Post by Jewrod on Feb 7, 2017 14:28:35 GMT -5
There is no help. They are experimenting on and murdering people
as I type this. Over the last 10-15 years I’ve contacted numerous gov agencies, the aclu, the police, attorneys, and then some. I believe that after 9/11 we became a Totalitarian fascist country. Go speak to your attorney, and your fascist spies will also contact him/her. For all you know they spy on, coerce, intimidate them in the same way they harass you.
Be grateful. Many people probably don’t even know what’s happening to them or live long enough to talk about it. It would appear to be an extermination program.
Have you noticed that anything goes?
I now have skin lesions, have had multiple bouts of pneumonia, severe headaches, digestive problems, rashes, and conveniently have been diagnosed with eczema. They have literally robbed me blind. (possibly billions of dollars) set up car accidents, poisoning situations etc. One way for them to make you ill, is with things that are somewhat natural. (such as mold)
It has been reported that certain poisons such as arsenic mimic common diseases or conditions but are also hard to detect. I’ve heard that they can install a stick of depleted uranium in your faucet so that every time you use your water it is tainted. I’ve also heard of microwave weapons being used to slowly cook people to death that actually
mimics cancer symptoms.
The rest of the time these genetically inclined psycho’s are busy working on your nervous system. Through noise campaigns, sleep deprivation, name calling, robberies, assault, work place sabotage, road rage, vehicle sabotage,
equipment sabotage, destruction of property, business sabotage, medical malfeasance, work place misery, (yelling, cussing, treating you like trash,
not paying you a living wage, not paying you for all of your hours etc) This constant daily stress will have an effect on your nerves and your health.
Before we go on, lets make no mistake about it, the perpetrators of these “crimes” are operating under laws that most of us weren’t even aware of. Worse yet, many of these people seem to derive pleasure from the pain they cause others. It would appear as though it is something of a sport or entertaining to them. Their pleasure comes from self righteousness and their own sense of control over their victims. Ego plays a huge part in the severity of their tactics and attacks. For example, the more they can degrade you, the more powerful they feel and the more impressive they are to their fellow degenerates. You will witness contempt in their actions and see it in their eyes.
They love to attack me for my looks, height, weight, and even the medical conditions that they deliberately caused me. They will mock you to your casket/grave, and have very little if any concern for human rights, privacy, truth, justice.
This “hijacking” was planned long ago. The insiders have a monopoly on everything. Don’t fret though, there is a
covert underground war taking place right now. Due to the nature of sociopaths, megelomaniacs and psychopaths this is bad news for everyone, but so is allowing homicidal maniacs, proven liars, murderers, environmental terrorists, thugs, money laundering mad men, drug dealers, gang bangers, dirty judges, lawyers, politicians, free reign of the land.
They are culling the population as we speak. Your future in their hands looks like one of imposed slavery, religion, medical bondage, and unwavering servitude with no room or tolerance for thought or opinion.
This is probably the time to get right with your God or Creator if you have one. The things that they are doing right now are ludicrous. It’s often very difficult to contemplate just exactly why, or what they are thinking. Instead of trying to make sense of this or add some sort of relevancy to it, I would suggest that although they are human, they are also animals. As such they are motivated by things such as power, ego, greed, control, revenge, money, survival. History provides a clear portrait of what we are experiencing and witnessing today.
God speed friends and enemies.
as I type this. Over the last 10-15 years I’ve contacted numerous gov agencies, the aclu, the police, attorneys, and then some. I believe that after 9/11 we became a Totalitarian fascist country. Go speak to your attorney, and your fascist spies will also contact him/her. For all you know they spy on, coerce, intimidate them in the same way they harass you.
Be grateful. Many people probably don’t even know what’s happening to them or live long enough to talk about it. It would appear to be an extermination program.
Have you noticed that anything goes?
I now have skin lesions, have had multiple bouts of pneumonia, severe headaches, digestive problems, rashes, and conveniently have been diagnosed with eczema. They have literally robbed me blind. (possibly billions of dollars) set up car accidents, poisoning situations etc. One way for them to make you ill, is with things that are somewhat natural. (such as mold)
It has been reported that certain poisons such as arsenic mimic common diseases or conditions but are also hard to detect. I’ve heard that they can install a stick of depleted uranium in your faucet so that every time you use your water it is tainted. I’ve also heard of microwave weapons being used to slowly cook people to death that actually
mimics cancer symptoms.
The rest of the time these genetically inclined psycho’s are busy working on your nervous system. Through noise campaigns, sleep deprivation, name calling, robberies, assault, work place sabotage, road rage, vehicle sabotage,
equipment sabotage, destruction of property, business sabotage, medical malfeasance, work place misery, (yelling, cussing, treating you like trash,
not paying you a living wage, not paying you for all of your hours etc) This constant daily stress will have an effect on your nerves and your health.
Before we go on, lets make no mistake about it, the perpetrators of these “crimes” are operating under laws that most of us weren’t even aware of. Worse yet, many of these people seem to derive pleasure from the pain they cause others. It would appear as though it is something of a sport or entertaining to them. Their pleasure comes from self righteousness and their own sense of control over their victims. Ego plays a huge part in the severity of their tactics and attacks. For example, the more they can degrade you, the more powerful they feel and the more impressive they are to their fellow degenerates. You will witness contempt in their actions and see it in their eyes.
They love to attack me for my looks, height, weight, and even the medical conditions that they deliberately caused me. They will mock you to your casket/grave, and have very little if any concern for human rights, privacy, truth, justice.
This “hijacking” was planned long ago. The insiders have a monopoly on everything. Don’t fret though, there is a
covert underground war taking place right now. Due to the nature of sociopaths, megelomaniacs and psychopaths this is bad news for everyone, but so is allowing homicidal maniacs, proven liars, murderers, environmental terrorists, thugs, money laundering mad men, drug dealers, gang bangers, dirty judges, lawyers, politicians, free reign of the land.
They are culling the population as we speak. Your future in their hands looks like one of imposed slavery, religion, medical bondage, and unwavering servitude with no room or tolerance for thought or opinion.
This is probably the time to get right with your God or Creator if you have one. The things that they are doing right now are ludicrous. It’s often very difficult to contemplate just exactly why, or what they are thinking. Instead of trying to make sense of this or add some sort of relevancy to it, I would suggest that although they are human, they are also animals. As such they are motivated by things such as power, ego, greed, control, revenge, money, survival. History provides a clear portrait of what we are experiencing and witnessing today.
God speed friends and enemies.